Happy Birth Day - an independent service provider dedicated to enabling parents, through the use of breathing techniques, relaxation, visualisation and affirmations, to enjoy a positive, calm, gentle birth for their baby, and a positive birthing experience.

Happy Birth Day empowers Mothers by a carefully developed programme, to understand the natural simplicity of birth. The birthing body and baby already know what to do and as expectant parents we can re-learn to trust in our body and mind.
By learning and regularly practicing just a few key techniques, all mothers have the potential to experience the beauty of birth as nature intended, calm and positive, an enjoyable memory. Happy Birth Day achieves this through a series of four 2 and 1/2 hour sessions over four consecutive weeks. The recommended start time is 28 - 32 weeks
Happy Birth Day has been developed over many years to not only help first time mothers, but also those who may have required intervention during previous births. She will be encouraged to identify, understand and eliminate fears associated with childbirth. Our aim is relaxed mothers, enjoyable positive birthing experiences and calm, happy babies.
The course includes basic anatomy and physiology, practical sessions to teach deep relaxation, training for the birth companion, pre-birth parenting and much more in comfortable relaxed classes. You will receive class handouts and an audio link to a relaxation meditation recorded by myself, Carole, a voice you will get used to through class. You will also hopefully make friendships that will continue after the classes too. E-mail and phone support is offered following all courses to answer any questions that may arise towards the end of your pregnancy.
Happy Birth Day has the following advantages:·
· A more relaxed and enjoyable labour leaving the new mother more energised to enjoy the post birth phase.
· Can significantly reduce the length of first stage labour
· Your birthing partner has a fundamental role which allows both parties to feel fully involved in the birth.
· A relaxed more enjoyable pregnancy, leading to a positive, calm birth.
I also teach Spinning Babies(R) Parent Classes, 3 hour class to prepare physically during pregnancy for more comfort whilst pregnant and for ease in birth. Balancing the pelvis and uterus make more space for the baby to choose a good position to enter the pelvis for birth.
By learning and regularly practicing just a few key techniques, all mothers have the potential to experience the beauty of birth as nature intended, calm and positive, an enjoyable memory. Happy Birth Day achieves this through a series of four 2 and 1/2 hour sessions over four consecutive weeks. The recommended start time is 28 - 32 weeks
Happy Birth Day has been developed over many years to not only help first time mothers, but also those who may have required intervention during previous births. She will be encouraged to identify, understand and eliminate fears associated with childbirth. Our aim is relaxed mothers, enjoyable positive birthing experiences and calm, happy babies.
The course includes basic anatomy and physiology, practical sessions to teach deep relaxation, training for the birth companion, pre-birth parenting and much more in comfortable relaxed classes. You will receive class handouts and an audio link to a relaxation meditation recorded by myself, Carole, a voice you will get used to through class. You will also hopefully make friendships that will continue after the classes too. E-mail and phone support is offered following all courses to answer any questions that may arise towards the end of your pregnancy.
Happy Birth Day has the following advantages:·
· A more relaxed and enjoyable labour leaving the new mother more energised to enjoy the post birth phase.
· Can significantly reduce the length of first stage labour
· Your birthing partner has a fundamental role which allows both parties to feel fully involved in the birth.
· A relaxed more enjoyable pregnancy, leading to a positive, calm birth.
I also teach Spinning Babies(R) Parent Classes, 3 hour class to prepare physically during pregnancy for more comfort whilst pregnant and for ease in birth. Balancing the pelvis and uterus make more space for the baby to choose a good position to enter the pelvis for birth.